Kamikaze - Heavy metal from Argentina

 Kamikaze is a Traditional Heavy metal band from Argentina, they were formed in the 80's decade. A few years ago I bought this spellbinding album, it collects all the hits of the band but it does not included the song call "La Red" one of my favorite from this band.

Here are a short data about Kamikaze, they were formed at Buenos Aires Argentina in 1985 and they made several tracks and successful albums and at that time, they reached some popularity but I was reading they always had a lot of technical problems in their concerts and public performances but the public received their music with well acceptation.

In some point Kamikaze could achieved overcome bands like Rata Blanca and V8.

But they never were so popular.

I just want to say I do really love these guys and lyrcis full of feelings and emotions about corauge, be yourself, friendship and so on.

If you can buy this cd or digital album. I know you would really enjoy it

Favorite tracks: 

Tu voz, mi voz

La amistad

No me detendrán 

Pajaros de acero


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