The Hands of the Time (Stratovarius song and some thoughts about this)

Today we (Erick and I) were listening to this amazing song from Stratovarious one of our favorite band of all time. We really enjoy listening to their songs, we have a lot of amazing memories with them as our personal soundtrack. I was reading the lyrics of this song and it put me to think and do some reflections about how the time really goes fast. 

It seems like yesterday Erick and I were only teenagers listening Stratovarius and have been talking to each other the experience when the band came to our country and did an amazing performance. The time is something that nobody can fight against. 

Any empire, any person, any power, any pain, any king, any beauty, nothing is forever, only the memories we left behind, our actions, our art, our unique footprint we would leave in every moment. Our time on this earth is really short, try to be always in a good mood (Sounds simple but is so hard to make it real, the big challenge in these days). 

In this particular time of my life I am trying to live the best I can, I am dealing with not to have the anxiety of our present reality. Only be myself and avoid situations that do not make me feel happy. Just that. Express myself is so important to me and still fighting to make my dreams come true in a realistic perspective, nothing of impossible dreams, nothing of that, due to the fall could be so hard, and I have lived this sensation before and is not nice to feel that.

I'm still young and bold but I know this will not be forever.

 Here is the lyrics: 


The Hands of the Time (Stratovarius Lyrics)

Don't look for the future

Don't live in the past

Just take it day by day 'cause life goes fast

The minutes, the hours

The days and the years will fly so

Live still when you have the time

We cannot undo the deeds of the years

They leave you on your own

With all your deepest fears

Wheel of the time

Turns again tonight

Eternally decides our destiny

Wheel of the time

Turns again tonight

Without reason or rhyme

The hands of time







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